Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fall Photos in the Park

We had some family photos taken Halloween weekend by Heidi Lynne Photography in State College. Heidi also did Rece's 3 month pictures. Here is the link to the preview:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The dose.

It's a bit like a title for an episode of Sienfeld. And that is a good fit for this story.


On Monday I decided to take Rece to the doctor, he had a nasty virus that they classified as Pharyngitis and it appeared as if it was gone...but then the cough and snot came back! And it was going on weeks so I wanted to make sure his lungs were clear. The doc said his lungs sounded great, (relief) but he thought the cough/cold was lasting a bit too long - his theory was: it could be a new cold on top of the old cold or it could be a sinus infection. Due to the length of the symptoms he suggested we try a 10 day course of Augmentin. I was both reluctant and okay with this - obviously you don't want to do antibiotics for no reason but Rece hasn't been on them since May, and then before that it was Jan. so a pretty good stretch. Anyway, he sends the script in.
I go to pick it up after work.
The pharmacist is one never seen before. She immediately starts on a high pitched tangent about how she doesn't agree with the dose. It is too high and she tells me she called the doctor and demanded to talk to him.
I ask "well did you talk to him"
She says yes and the doctor confirms that he is treating a sinus infection and also confirms Rece's weight. She continues to talk about the dose and what to do if he has a reaction. She does not listen to me when I tell her he has been on this before. During this whole conversation she starts to mix the suspension.
Next she tells me that there is 14 days in the mix and that I will throw the rest away after the 10 day course.
I get home and I am all frazzled about the drama around the dose. Even though the doctor confirmed it, I still worry. Then I look at the bottle. It looks only about 2/3 full. Weird.
My anal self grabs a clean glass and the teaspoon syringe and I start to measure how many teaspoons are in there. There are 20 - 21 max - there will be nothing to throw away.
I call the Pharmacist back and re-state to her what I understand about how much should be left. She says "where does the liquid come up to on the label"
When I tell her she says...
"Add some tap water"
I am totally freaked out now, and I do not give him the meds before he goes to bed. He sleeps through the whole night no coughing. The next morning it seems better, and the next night and morning and night are the same. Tonight he barely coughs and the snot was minimal.

I guess sometimes things really do have a way of working themselves out.

National Blog Posting Month

Cue the blog guilt. I neglect it already and then I remember, and see that many people are following National Blog Posting Month - posting one post each day. I read their posts, I enjoy them and I have more blog guilt. lol. I just haven't done a good job of posting lately. I found this link on another blog and it has some interesting prompts for posts, I may use a few.

Rece update

I have several posts drafted in my mind, just haven't taken the time to write them, so I am going to try and start knocking a few out. First as always is Rece. Or simply "man" as Jeremy and I call him. As in "how did Man do at school today?"

He will be 21 months old this weekend. I am not sure what is crazier that we are in the second to last month of 2010 already or that my son is going to be 2 years old in three months! Here's the thing, he looks and talks like he is going on 3, so I have long sense gotten over him not being a "baby" anymore but it's still amazing to think he has been in our lives for almost 2 years now. Here is what he has been up to:

He is somewhere around 34 inches tall and just weighed in at about 29 pounds. Which I was relieved by since I feel like he hasn't eaten anything in 4 weeks. (This is obviously an exaggeration, but sometimes that is how it feels)

He is finally off the preavicid and not having any issues with reflux!

He says some funny stuff, here are a couple of his latest:
- He will grab a cup and pretend to be drinking - when you ask him what he is drinking he says "having a coffee".

- "I boogers in my nose" when you wipe them out he says "I see them?"

- He often talks about people coming to see him, since our family is always coming to visit. He will say "Grandma coming to see you?" (you meaning "me"?) or "Bubba Coming?" (Bubba is my dad) The latest is : "Santa! - he coming!"

-One morning I woke him up from a dead sleep and he says "What's daddy doing?" which he says every morning. But then he followed with " Daddy Poopin?, Me see." Boys.

-When getting my flu shot, he sees that I am going to get a poke and yells "No Mommy, Get Up!" He was so sweet I thought he was going to cry when he saw I was going to get a shot.

He is obsessed with Thomas the Train.

He is also very interested in the "going potty" he mostly just wants to sit on the toilet and pull paper off the roll. But now he has added making a "psssssssssssssss" noise when he sits there. And he talks a lot about getting the pee-pee out - but we haven't see any in the toilet as of yet. He will have a down right fit if we don't put him on the potty when he asks.

He had a pretty nasty cold a couple of weeks ago, but it never went to his chest (hooray for flow vent!) It may have stuck in his sinuses, still TBD.

It has been a good fall so far and I can't wait to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with my "man".