Sunday, March 20, 2011

The great payoff...

I just find it interesting that these are times when it is the "in thing" to pay off debt and free yourself from bills. I have noted over the last year or two how many more people publicize when they pay off a credit card or a loan. I couldn't have been happier to get a bonus this year and use it to pay things off. Jeremy's truck will be paid off in two more payments, and we may have a "no truck payment party". That payment is a beast, and I can't even imagine not having it, so before we get that money each month and have a chance to miss it, we will be diverting the exact amount toward the student loan payoff and savings. We have been living without that money each month for 48 months and we can continue to if it helps get rid of another payment! It IS something to be proud of, to live within your means and to strive toward being without debt. It's not easy, and it will be some time yet before we are just down to our mortgage, but we are working on it. And we could get there faster, I am spoiled. I drink Starbucks on the weekend and I do a little bit of shopping at Target and LOFT now and again and we are able to treat ourselves to dinner and vacations now and again.... But I put those things in the "work hard, play hard and the life is short" buckets, knowing if we needed to we could give them up. But for now - we will enjoy some of that while working towards the great payoff....

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

LOVE this post, Chass. I am with you - it feels so great to pay off debt!