Sunday, November 16, 2008

Washer & Dryer - Merry Christmas to Us!

Tonight I went to Sears for their VIP late night event and got a great deal on a new high efficiency Washer and Dryer, using 70% less energy and 69% less water than our current set, and since we pay the city for water and the electric company for our energy this should be helpful! Plus these washers are known for being nicer to your clothes which I like. Anyway, other than the fact I got line jumped by someone who obviously had an "in" with the lady I was waiting in line for (And here I thought a line was a line...silly me) the sale was worth the extra trip out. The set is a Kenmore and was on sale for 20% off and then an additional 10% off, which for the size washer and dryer I got was by far the best price I had seen, and I have been looking for a while. This is our Christmas gift to each other, exciting huh :-) We are donating our old set to a charity center who sells used home goods and/or puts them in low income homes, besides that someone else gets to use them without us having to try and sell them, and the fact that we can get a tax write off, the best part is that they come and pick them up!


Chrystal said...

Congrats! Isn't it funny how washers and dryers suddenly become exciting gifts, now that we are older! :) I remember how stoked I was when I got a Shop Vac and card table for Christmas a few years ago.

jane said...

Nice washer and dryer! I absolutely hate when people cut, I usually say some smart ass comment. Seriously, the line doesn't apply to you?