Monday, March 9, 2009

First Ride in the Stroller

We had great weather this past weekend and so we took the opportunity to take Rece out in the stroller. He slept, so I guess he liked it. His Diaper rash is getting better I guess, there is still one stubborn area that is shrinking more slowly. "Bob" his umbilical cord stump is STILL hanging on by a thread and it grosses me out thoroughly. I was fine with it until it started to move and flop in and out of its home, not nice...
Cousin Carly came to see us from NJ this weekend and took lots of pictures of Mr. Rece for his birth announcements. I will post some of those soon. She also got to go with us on our inaugural stroller ride.
Little man is doing pretty well, I have gotten him to sleep in 4 hour stints at night for about the last week and we also moved him into his crib from the bassinet with no issue. He has developed some infant acne, I feel so bad since it is probably my hormones in utero that caused it, hopefully it will clear up soon. Here are a few pics of our weekend milestones.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Rece is such an adorable baby!! He is just so cute and I love all his dark hair!
Grant had that infant acne too. I think it went away in about two weeks without doing anything to it. Glad you are able to get a few stretches of sleep in there.