Thursday, March 12, 2009

Update - Bob is gone

So Bob finally fell off, thank god. All looks well underneath. And low and behold the last remaining diaper rash spot isn't diaper rash at all but rather a diaper burn...Super. So we moved into a bigger diaper,the super sensitive pampers swaddlers to be exact, and we have to make sure the spot is constantly lubed so it will heal. Problem is because the skin is healing its texture makes it slick and nothing will stick, I think I have bought every diaper ointment in the store, and today the doctor said - "try regular old Vaseline" - so I bought some, a whopping $1.99, if this works I will have a good laugh since I now own enough diaper ointment and cream to create a butt store of sorts. When at the dr. for the diaper rash check today we weighed Mr. Rece and he is up to 8lbs 6oz, so that means he has gained about a pound and a half in two weeks. Yea!
As promised here are a couple of my favorite pics that cousin Carly took this past weekend. Not included are the ones I put in the birth announcements, to be arriving in a mail box near you very soon.

1 comment:

jane said...

That is awsome that you are opening a butt store- lol! Isn't funny what our lives become consumed with as new mothers? Hope the diaper "burn" heals soon. Can't wait to get the birth announcement.