Thursday, April 9, 2009

The gas monster is back...

I will never ever question my sweet sleepy baby again. On Friday afternoon last week and all since then the gas monster has returned and poor Mr. Rece is having himself a rough time. I haven't changed anything in my diet and overall b-feeding is going much better so I am not sure what it is other than his immature digestive system. Last night he was so gassy he literally screamed and tooted for 2+ hours straight and then we gave him a bath, got him read for bed, and miraculously he slept from his 9:45 feeding until 4:30! Which of course was great and much needed since he had had some rough nights prior. Its so sad, his little gas pains wake him up, and generally he looks so tense and uncomfortable when he is like this, I feel so bad for him. Luckily last night he must have got it all out prior to then so he actually slept. Thankfully, we have had a lot of great help over the last two weeks, Jeremy's parents were here two weekends ago and then my mom came and stayed with us from last Saturday on, she just left today. Jeremy has tomorrow off of school so we will have the long weekend all together. Hopefully by Monday the gas monster will have subsided again and I will have a better week flying solo with him next week. Pics from the last couple of weeks soon, I can't believe he will be 8 weeks on Saturday...


Sadie said...

Have you tried giving him gas drops? They are safe and work wonderful!

jane said...

Ditto on the gas drops. Worked for us. Byclycling their legs helps expell some of the gas too. The good thing is when they scream like that it tires them out and usually they sleep :) Just trying to be positive here.