Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Growth Spurt?

Oh boy...well just when b-feeding seems to be getting in control and the gas seems to be improving a little. Now I have a new child...Rece wants to sleep - all the time all of the sudden. He is like a sack of potatoes for most of the day the last two days. It all started this weekend when out of the blue, he sacked out after a feeding a around 6pm. Usually he is not only awake at this time but cranky as all get out. I couldn't believe it but I chalked it up to him starting to feel better. Now the last two days he has been just so tired. He is nursing well and all is ok there, I am trying to engage him as much as possible during the daylight hours (especially after we had a rough night of sleep last night with several wakings for feedings, and some cranky time). I have been diligent since his birth to clearly differentiate day and night, and out of all of our difficulties I thought that was the one thing we had right, if he did go longer between feedings and sleep a little better it was at night... And now this. I don't know what to think. I can't imagine he just got his days and nights mixed up out of the blue, we haven't changed anything. I half thought about calling the pediatrician today and asking about it, it is that weird, but I feel like an idiot - "Hi Doc, my baby is sleeping to much.... oh and by the way the last time I was in I was complaining about how much his gas keeps him from sleeping..." Ugh! Anyway today I went out of my way to keep the house lit up and keep his room bright while he napped and we will see what happens. Has this happened with anyone else out there?!?!

1 comment:

Erica said...

I don't think that I really have any advice or anything. I can't really recall Drew's sleeping habits. His normal schedule now is sleeping alot during the night and then not really napping more than an hour or so during the day. But there have been days where he takes an hour or two nap and then later takes another hour long nap, however, I don't think we changed anything. I am sorry I have no help for you. But like the title of your post, it could just be a growth spurt. Things get all wacky when they are growing. Good luck!