Saturday, April 11, 2009

Making the switch

After 8 weeks of trying it all, and then trying it all again, and after a lot of tears for both Mr. Rece and I, and after the advice of BOTH the pediatrician and the lactation consultant (believe it or not, I even stumped her...) we have moved on to a hypoallergenic (pricey, like the Cadillac of formula) formula. Oh and to bump me further in this direction, I woke up yesterday with the beginnings of Mastitis (from the block feeding I was doing to reduce my supply) and I have to go on antibiotics again! So no more! Even with all this and knowing that the formula could make him feel like a million bucks, and the fact that I really don't enjoy B-feeding that much, AND that I can't eat or drink anything I want...I still almost lost it in the grocery store when I had to purchase it. I can't explain it, its like "I have spent 8 weeks of my life obsessing over this, working so hard to make it work and now I am quitting!" - So I came home ate some onions and garlic on a still cheese-less pizza, and had a glass of wine, followed by a cup of coffee this morning and well...things are looking better :-) I am still pumping, A. because I have to, if I didn't I would be in serious pain (plus the infection) and B. just in case for some reason the liquid gold I am feeding my kid doesn't work and he reacts adversely, I can always go back. So in a few days if all is going well, I will start to wean my supply down and say goodbye to the B-feeding. I have his two month appt on Tues and I am also going to ask about trying to move him to just the "sensitive" and lactose free formula after sometime, when his belly has calmed down and he gets a few weeks older.

So - now for a plea to all my fellow blog readers out there, if you know any pediatricians who might give you a sample can or two of Similac Alimentium (my doc promised me some as well) please let me know, I will pay for you to ship it to me. (I mean this stuff is expensive, like a car payment every month - I am desperate ;-) OR if you won't be using Similac coupons anytime soon to buy formula, please go to and register, I believe they will send you four $5 off coupons for this formula, then if you are willing you can mail them to me! Click on "community" and then on the right hand side you can register. You only need your name, address and a babies name and date of birth, something within the last few months or upcoming within a few months, should trigger coupon sending. The coupons will be in your name, but I shouldn't have any trouble using them. HOPEFULLY, we will be able to move from the Alimentum to something more basic in a few weeks, but either way I will stick within the similac family at this point I am sure. I realize I am kind of working the system here but, I figure Similac wants to sell formula and the grocery store wants to let me buy it so a few extra coupons to make it more affordable shouldn't hurt! Anyway, if anyone wants to try, let me know and I will get you my addy. Thanks in adavance!!!


jane said...

Oh I hope things start to get a little easier for you. 8 weeks was a long time to bfeed given what you had to go through. Give yourself a pat on the back :) Now don't go gorging yourself on dairy and wine- lol.

Heather McMaster said...

I've got a $5 similac voucher you can have if you send me your address....and tons of good start and enfamil coupons if you ever switch to those. Hope things are going better!!