Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rugrats Resale

In the Sunday paper last week I saw an advertisement for a consignment sale at a local elementary school called Rugrats Resale. They hold the sale twice a year and sell baby/kids clothes, furniture, toys and they also have some maternity clothes. So I went with a friend from work who is due with her first any day and we got some great bargains. I am looking forward to going again in the spring. I snapped a few pictures of the stuff I bought. I got a bouncy seat for my parents to take home and keep in Jackson or up at the Lake where Jeremy and I will be traveling most after the baby is born. I also got some small and med. sized AIO (all in one) cloth diapers which we will be using in combination with "true disposables" aka GDiapers. I have learned that cloth diapers have come a long way, they have elastic sides, are made from super soft fleece and have Velcro adjusts, no pins! Gdiapers are have the reusable features of cloth diapers with the convenience of disposables because you can flush or toss the inserts and they are 100% biodegradable, plus they are accepted at day care. A plastic disposable takes 500 years to fully decompose in a landfill so my goal is to use as few as possible but we'll see. I am going to at least give this combo system a try. Anyway, the AIO diapers are about $13-14 each if you buy them online, I got 9 diapers for $15 at the resale and they have never been used, so I am off to a good start on putting together my diapering system on the cheap. I also picked up a pack of 32 G-Diaper inserts normally about 12 bucks at the store for $2. All in all, I decided it is probably best we don't know the gender yet or I would have wrote a much bigger check to rugrats resale...there was a ton of great stuff there!

Other than that, not much else going on over the weekend. We watched football, my nausea returned watching Michigan vs. ND - what a mess that was. It is going to be a long year, not a good year to not be able to have a cocktail or three while watching the games... I think they will play better on and off and there is a lot of potential there to grow on(really just Sam McGuffie).

Today I cleaned the house in preparation for hosting book club on Wed. I joined a book club here in State College, where once a month we get together for some food, wine etc and discuss that month's book. The girls are all really nice and many of them are new moms or are going to be new moms as well so that is nice.


Chrystal said...

That is interesting about the Gdiapers. You will have to let me know how well they work, after Baby R arrives.

M said...


A really good friend of mine, Leah, used cloth diapers with her daughter and it was a fantastic experience. She's all about talking about cloth diapers and breastfeeding- her blog is
